Jehovah El Roi

You are awesome in this place
though I cannot feel you
but your word tells me my worth is independent of that

If I could only behold your face
I know there is no shame for those who seek you
Yet, I need to feel you and the peace that you exact

Feeling alone, I'm like a pin in the middle of the ocean
sinking fast and overwhelmed by the raging tides
I realise how helpless I really am without you

Still, I believe you are here in all these emotions
you said you would never leave me and that was not a lie
so you must be here, somewhere in the blue

Have mercy on me then, that I may see you
have mercy on me, that I may feel you
Let me come to your throne and worship you

You are Jehovah El Roi
The One that sees me.

Thank you Lord.


  1. what a deep touching prayer, he is really Jehovah El Roi and he sees our every deeds and movement.
    Blessings dear... have a big, fat and fruitful new year! the good Lord who has brought us this far will surely see us through.

  2. Amen!! :) and the very same to you! May this year bring blessings beyond our imagination.


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