Sound of Silence

Another Brooke Fraser inspired blog post :)

"What is the secret you?" I am asked.
I am asked of who will show up if the secret me were allowed to come out and play for a day.
I answer...I am not sure.
Do you want the secret me when I am with you? Do you want my secret desires out in the open? all my thoughts and intentions spelt out on my lips and body? or what do you mean?

My secret me? out in the naked light? My secret me would be a crowd, right now as I sit here facing you, my secret me would like to search deeper and find another secret me. Is that what you mean?
Or maybe the secret me that is in love? the one that was once betrayed? that feels guilty sometimes, when I think of love?
That secret me?

My secret me would like to be curled up somewhere soft and safe, surrounded by the presence of love, my one love, God. Just in deep fellowship, maybe talking for hours but even more precious would be the silence. That is really where my secret me would love to be. In silence with my love. Really.


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