Patiently Waiting

Inspired from Psalm 40 1-3, before I write can I just say that GIG (Girlfriends in God) has blessed my life tremendously!!

Psalm 40 1-3 was the bible verse for today and we had to do an exercise were you circle the action words that belong to you, and those that belong to God. So I got my blue (for God) and red (for me) pens out. I read over the verse slowly and circled the action words, and...*drum roll* there are more blues than red!! there are two reds and a bunch of blues! Just this tiny discovery amazed me. So baaasiiiically, all we have to do is wait patiently for the Lord and then we get to stand firm on a solid rock and even more exciting, sing new songs and hymns to God. I love singing! especially to God!

Buzz kill: Waiting patiently is not easy though and God knows it. We're in a world were things have to move fast quick! It's all about the now! and God loves the now, Hebrews 11 says "Now Faith is.." as in..Now! at this moment. But as humans we can get carried away with the now! we worry in the now, and we covet in the now, we're caught up in the now and we're selfish and greedy all in the now. God says "Be still.." because our minds are looking for the next now, our bodies are itching for that now and we lose the real now all in the process of chasing that wishful now.

It takes faith to wait patiently, knowing that God will hear you. But when we're chasing..we're not Faithing. We are doing things out of our own work, we're attaining within our human limitations and we're not trusting God with anything. So waiting patiently pulls you back to that authentic now (the Now in God's timing), and in that process your faith grows; it strengthens, it's tested and it passes that test because you've given up and said 'Ok God, your will and your will alone be done'.
(I.O.W: I leave everything to you, give up everything, my next breath, the next breath of my loved ones, what I'll have for lunch, what I'll wear tomorrow etc..)

Remember,  "....The testing of your Faith, brings patience" James 1, "Patience (perseverance) must finish its work so that you will be mature and complete, lacking nothing". Who doesn't want to be mature and complete, I know I do. It is in getting to that mature and complete place that we're standing firm upon a solid rock. So when everything is left in God's hands, he places us on a solid rock, we know that nothing will harm us. Then he works with us to build our faith and to know him better. So when the trials of this world come upon us we will not be moved because he has already placed us on a firm rock.

So James 1 starts with "count it all Joy when you face trials and tribulations, knowing the testing of your faith brings persevrance..". So while we're waiting patiently, for God to intervene, why not sing and dance and be joyful (especially when we don't feel like it) knowing that God is doing something wonderful. Till he comes and puts that new song in your mouth, and takes you out of the slimy pit and sets your feet upon a solid rock.

Do the exercise! :)

Psalms 40: 1-3

I waited patiently for the Lord;

he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in him.


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