Love Seekers

more on the usual issue...

Love, where do we find you?
Under the bed?
In the closet?
On the shelf?
Where are you kept?

Or perhaps you're on the bed?
In between the sheets?
In a whisper, in an embrace?
In a kiss or in words?
is that where you rest?

Love, where do you hide?
Even after the ring,
the I dos, the I love yous,
The forever promises
you still stay hidden.

Even after invincibility,
opulence and influence
you continue to elude us,
as if you're a paradox,
our ultimate contradiction.

Can't live and love.
The perfect absolute
can't give and get.
What makes us leave,
what makes us stay.

Love, where do we find you?

The search for love is the single most powerful motivation behind everyone's drive in life. There are millions of literature, songs and artistic compositions around this topic making it a cliche subject to bring up, yet every second a gesture/expression is made in an attempt to reach out, call out and ask for love, to love. Not just romantic love but love on all levels. Starting at the home, in our hearts, in our environments and further on.

We are all travelers on a journey seeking this abstract idea. Behind our eyes lay the longing and we search and scrutinize every face we meet, like scavengers, hoping to find a glimpse. We seek love, not just of itself, but love that is for us: a personalized, individualized love that remains constant in every area of our lives.

I haven't found anything more absolute than this: ...God is love (1 John 4:8b). What could be clearer than this, this is love. This is where it is. No need to search further.


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