Catching Up
So It's been a minute since I've properly posted something on this blog and you can probably gather from my last post that not everything has been rosy lately :P That's why I love blogging! It's like therapy for me. I decided that instead of keeping everything pent up on the inside I would write about it. Don't worry, I don't intend on making this my personal diary, instead I'd rather use this to maybe speak to others that are going through something I've gone through. This pushes me to see God in every thing and brings out the hope in a situation that could seem hopeless. By writing about it, I'm seeing hope in my situation and at the same time, hopefully, giving someone..hope! :)
I read Ezra 7 today (half the book has nothing to do with him) and in vs 10 it said "Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments". So first he decided to study God's word, live it, then teach others.
I'm an advice giver, something I took from my parents. People wouldn't even be asking for my advice but I'd be giving it anyway. I'd give people advice on things I didn't even personally know about, just based on how I thought things should be. But I've learned some things in all my advice-giving days and that is: the best advices are the ones that you, yourself, have tried and tested. So I'd be giving people relationship advice, till I got into a relationship and realized that these things are hard! I can't be chewing my mouth off about things I don't know. So Like Ezra, I want to study God's word, I pray to live it with the help of the holy spirit and last of all tell people what I've learned.
With God, I've found that the little things matter a lot. I've just come out of a relationship and I'm waiting on God for a job. The disappointment at the broken relationship and the discouragement in still being unemployed should have kept me cooped up in a hole somewhere (I don't take bad news too well) but yet, I'm blinded by amazing love everyday. His is a love that lasts and caresses; it calls us out of our pits and gently carries us and this is the love that I wish to share.
So I wrote this poem, inspired by psalm 91 vs 1. Let me know what you think :) Peace x
Torch in hand and my running shoes on
I left my rain jacket somewhere
you know the one, the wind breaker
with the stripes in neon
This never ending road stretches far
and lately it's been mostly nights
now the sun's beginning to peek through
taking it's place over the north star
I've been invisible on this road
seen by no-one but you, El Roi
rain drenched and chilled to the bone
You call me to your shadow
So I'm following the stars to you
carrying the burden of 'I had hoped'
hoping you'd replace it with the Truth
Where, in abiding, I'll be made new
Your love endures forever
It's like a light that glows brighter
with every step I take
My torch's light grows dimmer
Till I'm found in your secret place
where peace will rule my heart,
and though the road may never end,
I'll carry on because I need to see your face.
Psalm 91:1 He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Thanks for reading!.
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